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Addlestone Moor - Yellow lines removed

Reported via desktop in the Faded road markings category anonymously at 16:49, Mon 9 December 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council less than a minute later.

6/12/24 - The double yellow lines have been removed from Addlestone Moor. This is going to cause an obstruction on this road with parked cars and large moving vehicles on this road.

This will impact the health and safety risk to the residents if emergency services cannot get through. On a number of occasions this has happened in the past and they couldn't get to people as quickly as they should have been able to. This could have been fatal.

In addition, the road up towards the roundabout there has been untold amount of times that fire engines and resident's of the road can't get out due to either motorbike trials or the football club parking.

There has also been continuous issue with gypsy's pulling onto the verge. We have asked numerous times for Runnymede borough council/surrey council to fix the barrier with no response.

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  • Awaiting processing

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 16:49, Mon 9 December 2024

  • Enquiry closed - response provided to original reporter

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 09:13, Fri 13 December 2024

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