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There needs to be a pedestrian island and reduced speed limit to 30mph here to enable safe crossing at this point

Reported via desktop in the Road safety improvement category anonymously at 18:23, Friday 29 November 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council less than a minute later.

The A24 has a pavement only on one side of the road at this point meaning any pedestrians have to cross here for onward travel either to/from Greville School or Ashtead Park which is popular beauty spot. Both children and dogwalkers are particularly at risk. More so because rather than maintain the 30mph limit outside of Ashtead village here the 40mph limit sign raises the speed just before pedestrians have to forcibly cross the road. Visibility is fine here compared to where other pedestrian islands are installed all the way to Epsom Hospital so it should not be an issue of visibility or width of road, indeed the pedestrian island may help in slowing traffic down as speeds regularly of 50mph to 60mph on this road. Police do station themselves in Bowyers Close on occasion because of this so recognise there are speeding issues.

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    Posted by Surrey County Council at 18:25, Friday 29 November 2024