Croft x Latimer Road
Reported via mobile in the Concern about speeding traffic category anonymously at 11:13, Wednesday 23 October 2024
Sent to Surrey County Council 1 minute later.
The intersection of Croft Road and Latimer Road suffers from poor visibility and lacks a dedicated pedestrian pavement.
The existing partial pavement is frequently obstructed by overgrown hedges and rubbish bins.
Residents have observed recurring speeding along Croft Road, which is used as a cut-through between Brighton Road and Holloway Hill Road.
This is particularly common with delivery vehicles and young drivers, which is especially worrying given the narrow section of Croft Road that prevents pedestrians from safely passing between two-way traffic.
This situation is particularly hazardous due to the lack of refuge space for pedestrians coming from Latimer Road and a blind spot created by a stone wall and fencing.
It is important to note that Latimer Road has no pavement at all, despite being frequently used by families with children, prams, and college students travelling to and from town.
Traffic calming measures and visibility improvements are essential to ensure a safe environment for pedestrians in the vicinity of this crossing.
Potential solutions could include installing speed bumps, installing convex traffic mirrors, widening pavements where possible, implementing a pedestrian crossing, considering sections of oneway traffic and enhancing street lighting to improve overall safety.
If the issue is still ongoing, you can make a new report in the same location.