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Damaged road sign due to artic trucks reversing down the lane

Reported via mobile in the Damaged road sign, not causing an obstruction category anonymously at 10:51, Wednesday 23 October 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council less than a minute later.

The huge artic trucks are sent down Cobham Road by the sat nav and DO NOT SEE the sign at the junction of Woodlands Road and Cobham Road. As I keep saying the sign needs to be a flashing sign. So when they get down here, which is also dangerous for oncoming vehicles, they cannot get under the railway bridge so have to reverse into the lane putting cars at danger amd the sign gets knocked down all the time. It has been happening for years and doesn't need to be You must have spent so much money keep remaking it or putting it up time after time

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  • Awaiting processing

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 10:52, Wednesday 23 October 2024