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Hedges narrowing pavement

Reported via mobile in the Overgrown hedge blocking pavement category anonymously at 11:48, Tuesday 15 October 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council less than a minute later.

The pavement along this road has become very narrow. Parents walking their children to school must do so in single file. The road is very fast and it would be easy for a small child to slip in to the road without holding a parent's hand. The hedges are overgrown and the undergrowth is spreading onto the pavement making it slippery and dangerous. It is the area when you turn left out of Mellow Close as you walk up to the large roundabout. You can see that the pavement has norrowed significantly as a manhole cover is now only half showing. With this being the route to walk to Banstead Prep (as you can use the crossing at the top of Sutton Lane) it really could with doing cleared back before the winter months and the dark mornings and evenings start to creep in.

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  • Awaiting processing

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 11:48, Tuesday 15 October 2024

  • Enquiry closed - response provided to original reporter

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 11:11, Thursday 24 October 2024

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