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Traffic speed on Shawfield Road

Reported via mobile in the Concern about speeding traffic category anonymously at 17:48, Thursday 3 October 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council less than a minute later.

I've lived on Shawfield road for over a decade and in that time I have witnessed many issues with the traffic as a driver, cyclist, and pedestrian myself. Additionally, as the volume of traffic has increased (presumably because of the new builds in the area) so has the frequency of the speeding problem.

Parts of Shawfield road have no pavement or very narrow pavement which means pedestrians have to walk close to speeding vehicles. When it rains, you will get splashed by the moving traffic.

Shawfield road is residential, it's used by the elderly, by school children, by dog walkers and by young families with pushchairs and prams. It is supposed to be 30mph however the existence of the speed bumps demonstrates a speeding problem has previously been identified. The recent resurfacing has essentially made the speed bumps smaller and combined with modern large vehicles they are all but useless now.

I witness on a daily basis a clear disregard for the speed limit, vehicles consitently travelling at 40mph or more.

I would gladly support any traffic calming measures, a reduced limit, more aggressive speed bumps or average speed cameras like those installed in Bramley.

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  • Awaiting processing

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 17:49, Thursday 3 October 2024

  • Enquiry closed - response provided to original reporter

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 11:34, Thursday 24 October 2024

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