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Alteration of junction. The junction at Compton heights is a dangerous one. I saw that last week (commencing 23rd September) there was a traffic census being conducted for probably the same reason. Cars turning right from Down Lane on to the A31 have to observe not only the traffic flowing east-west along the A31, but the traffic waiting to turn right into Down Lane. The result with constant traffic and people waiting to turn right (particularly during rush hours) is a frustrating tail back. It compels some individuals to take unacceptable risks in turning right and I have witnessed a few. Possibly the large census team saw some impatient manoeuvres.

Reported via desktop in the Road safety improvement category anonymously at 11:27, Monday 30 September 2024

Sent to Surrey County Council 1 minute later.

There is no easy solution and any one his likely to prove unpopular with those who do not consider the safety of others. A mini roundabout or part time traffic lights would allow some priority to those turning at the junction and would also assist in slowing down traffic in either direction. Traffic collision data must already be available to you and show the collisions. Not too long back a car had broken through the wall of the Compton Heights estate. There must be many more reported accidents. To turn right from Down Lane is made more difficult if traffic going west-east does not see (traffic waiting to turn right obscuring view) and/or permit cars emerging to merge with the lane going towards Guildford.

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  • Awaiting processing

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 11:28, Monday 30 September 2024

  • Enquiry closed

    State changed to: Closed

    Posted by Surrey County Council at 09:22, Monday 21 October 2024

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